
Showing posts from December, 2018

Toggle Bluetooth from Command Line on Mac OS

There will be situations where you can't access the touchpad or just want to show off your command line skills 😋, then this commands will change your Bluetooth handling skill It'll be clearly handy to use it. Finding new ways led me to this blueutil  command line tool that helps to turn Bluetooth off/on using single cmd. Start by installing it by HomeBrew: run the following command The -p flag act as a switch to toggle the Bluetooth Tell me when you found this command helpful.

Monetise your Android app | Admob integration | with code...

Making an Android app is one thing but earning from it is other. There are many ways to earn from apps like premium packs, subscription, buying stuff, ads.  The advertisement would be the most efficient one and will give you good revenue. There are many advertising networks but Google provides AdMob which is more preferable in terms of standard and revenue too. Also, read:  Converting HTML5 Game for Android | 2 Methods So let us start to code. I'll explain two types of ads only if you want me to explain the other two, comment for the same. Steps to integrate AdMob into your Android app: 1. Creating an Admob account Go to AdMob site sign in with your Google account. Create an app and note down the App Id, which we'll use in our app to authenticate. 2. Import Mobile Ads' SDK Open your gradle files and in your project-level gradle, put the below code, inside  allprojects {}  section. 3. Add Dependencies Add the following in your...