Top 5 simple ways to teach yourself to code

  Every CS student wants to write great code and bring them to life. But not all are able to do so. Actually no, all are able to write and read the code. There are some tips or say some ways to learn them.

  Coding is a practice of doing things to automate stuff that is done manually. This stuff is tedious to do but code it and then automate it to do it smartly. There are many things that are needed to know before learning to code.

  Some are:  knowing how it works? what does it do? and many other?
But let's not go into detail. So here are my some simple ways to learn to code.

1. Understand the Problem
  •  First thing, understanding the problem you want to solve. Thinking before moving forward is the correct way.

  • Finding out the solutions and then choosing the best solution from all the solutions that can be used to solve it.
  • Taking guidance with the solution to the problem. It's better to do it alone but sometimes taking others advice helps a lot.
2. Choose a Programming Language

  • Programming languages are languages used by computers to solve the problem the coder needs to write instructions in this language and tell the computer what it has to do.

  • There are a bunch of languages to pick from choose wisely and stick to it at least for the problem in hand. When the time comes you can learn as many as you like.

  • After choosing the one, learn it's basic and it's constructed and try to solve the problem. While doing so you'll come across errors, read them and try to solve them. Use sites like StackOverflow.

  • When you are good to go, solve the problem, when done, don't forget to share and let others find it, it'll not only improve your confidence but also helps you to build more such problems.

  3. Take an online course
  • Online courses are great study materials to study in your free time. You can learn a lot, they provide video tutorials, that improves the learning process, as visuals are easy to remember.

  •  You can always use these to learn and grow. Make your profiles on these and some business sites like LinkedIn.
 4. Watch online tutorials
  • There are many online tutorials on YouTube, well most of the time just digging on the internet won't help but a keyword in YouTube search will solve the problem.

  • The best practical way to code is through YouTube tutorials, but just don't get stuck watching videos, try them yourself, many just keep watching videos and later YouTube might take you to some video songs, which will definitely distract you.

  • So learn to spend less time on research and more time in practice. That will help you to go through it.

5. Hack someone else's code

This might be the best suggestion, no I'm kidding but it could be life-saving, as you'll learn from others' code more easily, and also find out different ways.

But you don't want to call yourself the copy paste developer, so instead of using others' code understand it and write your own.

Do you have any suggestions or anything else, comment in the section below. I hope these methods will give your coding career a start.

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