Adding Firebase functionality in your app | Part 1 Connection

Introduction :

  Firebase is an online free cloud database, storage and authentication provider by Google. It can be used in mobile apps, websites, and other standalone. It provides database storage facility which is real-time, means the changes made to the database are reflected in user apps in realtime. It is suitable for personal as well as business applications. Anyone with a Google account can start working with the Firebase.
I am going to post a series of articles on Firebase, so stay tuned.

Connecting your Android project with Firebase :

There are few ways to connect to Firebase, but I'll show a quick and easiest way which is not really documented on Google Docs.

  1. Create an Android Project with Android Studio.
  2. Sign In with Google in AS with the same account that you want the Firebase project to be with.
  3. You can log in in AS with the option in the top-right corner, then go to tools option in the options menu.
  4. Choose firebase and then the assistant will pop up from right which will open firebase console dialog, you need to create a new project, name it the same as the current project. Hit Enter.

Your project will be automatically connected to the Firebase and you can then view it in Firebase Console.

Part 2: Login and SignUp with Firebase