Create an APK of Android Projects from Android Studio

Introduction :

Creating an Android app is quite simple when you get a hold of it, but sometimes deploying it can get tricky, especially while the project is going to target some particular android users. So here's a walkthrough.

Steps :

  1. Code cleanup, remove unused resources, removing these would make your apk as small as possible.
  2. String resources, extract strings that are hardcoded, these string won't be translated if the system is using some other language.
  3. Add appropriate android api in app.gradle file.
  4. Make sure everything is working fine and that there no extra debugging details available on the UI.

 Once you're ready :
Click on the Build option in the Options on the Top.

Select Generate Signed APK
Create Key for app, make sure you keep the key file safe, because when updating the file you might need this file again.

Set a password and key store path

Finish the process

You will get a message showing the completion and link to locate the apk, you can then upload it on Google Play Store or send it to your friends.

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