Adding Firebase functionality in your app | Part 2 Creating Firebase Authentication
Introduction: In this post, we will create a Login and Registration Page with Firebase authentication, we will accept the name, email, password of the user and register the user with the Firebase auth library. Implementation: First, we need to enable authentication for our project, go to the Firebase console, select Authentication from the left panel and then sign-in method, enable email method. In AS, go-to the assistant, in the right panel, select Authentication, click connect to Firebase, it will be in green when connected, second select Add Authentication to the project, Accept changes and finish. Now you can start coding. Create an Empty Activity, named as SignUp Go to SignUp.xml and add the following XML. The XML file defines three EditText for user input and Button. Add the following java code to read the input and create an account with the Firebase If everything is done correctly, you would be able to create an account with your email, when created check...